Phrasal verbs: PUT
1) put across или put over
сообщить/передать кому-либо свои мысли/идеи так, что они становятся понятными
Пример: She put her ideas across well in the meeting yesterday.
2) put away
убрать что-либо на свое место
Пример: The mother asked her son to put away all his toys.
3) Put on.
3.1 - Надевать одежду.
Сразу запомните: снимать одежду будет не put off (как было бы логично), а take off.
Mum: Billy, put on your jacket, it's cold.
Billy: No, mum! I'll put on my t-shirt.
Mum: No Billy, please put on your jacket!
Billy: I hate this pink jacket, it's for girls!
Mum: Billy, put the jacket on!
Billy: No!
Mum: Put it on! Put it on! Put! It! On!!!
Billy (хитренько решил, что как только выйдет на улицу, тут же и снимет ненавистную девчачью куртку): Okay, Mum, I'll put it on. But it's the last time (выходит на улицу). Now I can take it off!!! (снимает куртку, бросает на скамейку и убегает).
Помните общую стратегию - чтобы выучить глагол, произносите вслух яркие, эмоциональные фразы с этим глаголом. Пожалуйста, сделайте именно это с приведенным выше (и ниже) диалогом.
Кстати, обратите внимание на три возможных типа фраз:
1) Put on the jacket.
2) Put the jacket on.
3) Put it on.
3.2 put on - "набирать вес".
Вот пара диалогов:
1) - Wow, John! You look so big!
- Yes, Tim, during the holiday I put on 10 kilograms! I ate fantastic dinners every night!
2) - Have you seen Britney recently?
- Yes, it looks like she's put on a lot of weight!
- Isn't it horrible?
4) Put off - откладывать (по времени). Синоним этого глагола - postpone.
Let's put off the meeting till tomorrow. Иначе - Let's postpone the meeting till tomorrow.
Еще пример:
- I need to put off my report. I'm not prepared.
- How much time do you need?
- Well, can I put it off till as late as possible? I'm really not ready.
5) - Put through - соединять по телефону. Синоним - connect.
- Can I speak to Mrs Dorada?
- Yes, sir, I'm putting you through!
And after five minutes of waiting, I was put through to Mr Nevada. I asked:
- Good afternoon. Is it Mrs Dorada?
- No, it's John Nevada! I'm putting you through to Mrs Dorada.
After another five minutes I was put through to Kelly Prada.
- Hi, is this Mrs Dorada?
- No, it's Kelly Prada. Do you want me to put you through to Mrs Dorada?
- Yes, please.
6) Put down - записывать. Синоним - write down.
- What's your phone number?
- Oh, it's easy to remember! It's 29085674234985378923487.
- Oh, please wait, can I put it down?
7) - Put up with something / somebody - мириться, смириться с кем/чем-либо. Синоним - stand (да-да, stand, помимо "стоять" еще означает "выносить что-то, мириться с чем-нибудь").
- I'm not going to put up with this terrible noise coming from the neighbours upstairs! I'll show them a thing or two!
- Well, you'll have to put up with it. The neighbour's wife is your new boss, you know!
Еще ситуация.
- My aunt has come to visit us. It's terrible! She's telling everyone what to do!
- Why don't you kick her out?
- But it's my aunt! I can't possibly do it! We'll have to put up with her for the next two weeks.m in the town?